Pôle revues Grand Ouest
Support for humanities and social sciences journals


The goal of Pôle revues Grand Ouest, managed by the the human sciences research centre in Brittany (MSHB) in collaboration with the human sciences research centre MSH Ange-Guépin, is to contribute to the professionalisation and internationalisation of humanities and social sciences journals in the open science context. It helps journals to improve and maintain quality, in particular regarding open access, digital transition and indexing. It also provides publishing and editing support, tests new editorial tools and offers hosting solutions to journals on the Pergola incubator (open access Pépinière de revues du Grand Ouest).

Partners, funders and supporters

Multiple partners are involved in Pôle revues Grand Ouest in the Brittany and Pays de la Loire regions: the human sciences research centre in Brittany MSHB (UAR CNRS 3549), the human sciences research centre MSH Ange-Guépin (UAR CNRS 3491), Centre for Breton and Celtic Research (CRBC) library (CRBC - UAR CNRS 3554) at the University of Western Brittany (UBO), Rennes University Presses (PUR), the shared documentation services (SCDs) of the universities of Rennes, Rennes 2 and Angers, Rennes 2 information systems department (DSI), and the regional centre for training in scientific and technical information (URFIST) Bretagne-Pays de la Loire.

It receives funding from the National Fund for open science (FNSO) (project REGOSO FNSO 1 - 2020-2023) and from the state-region funded Science ouverte (open sciences) platform project run by MSHB (CPER 2022-2027).

Pôle revues Grand Ouest is supported by CNRS Humanities & Social Sciences, the National network of Houses for the Social Sciences and Humanities (RnSHS), Huma-Num, Métopes and OpenEdition, as well as the universities of Angers, Western Brittany (Brest, UBO), South Brittany (Lorient/Vannes, UBS), Le Mans, Nantes, Rennes and Rennes 2.

>> See partners, funders and supporters


MSHB (UAR CNRS 3549), Rennes, Brittany and MSH Ange-Guépin (UAR CNRS 3491), Nantes, Pays de la Loire.

Regional contacts

Brittany: Florence Daniel, Margaux Jacques (in Brest) and Anaïs Paly (in Rennes), CNRS editors at MSHB (UAR 3549).

Pays de la Loire region: Véronique Cohoner is the head of digital editing and publishing unit at MSH Ange-Guépin (UAR 3491) in Nantes and oversees the indexing service at Pôle revues Grand Ouest.

>> See contacts


The team is made up of research support staff working in different establishments, stakeholders of the Pôle revues Grand Ouest. As Pôle revues Grand Ouest grows, it will need to expand its network of collaborations.

  • Véronique Cohoner, STI CNRS engineer, MSH Ange-Guépin (UAR 3491), Nantes

  • Florence Daniel, CNRS editor, MSHB (UAR 3549), Brest

  • Joane Gautier, scientific editing support officer, SCD, University of Angers, Angers

  • Hélène Gombert, editorial officer, CRBC (UAR CNRS 3554 - UBO), Brest

  • Eva Huet, journal editing and publishing officer, Digital Hub (Pôle Numérique) (Rennes University Presses, (PUR), Rennes

  • Margaux Jacques, CNRS editor, MSHB, (UAR 3549), Rennes

  • Rémi Joinville, joint manager of URFIST Bretagne – Pays de la Loire, Rennes

  • Philippe Lagadec, administrative manager, CRBC (UAR CNRS 3554 - UBO), Brest

  • Manon Le Guennec, online documentation and research support manager, SCD University of Rennes, Rennes

  • Anaïs Paly, CNRS editor, MSHB, (UAR 3549), Rennes

  • Yves Picard, Digital Hub (Pôle Numérique) manager, Rennes University Presses (PUR), Rennes

  • Marie Salomon-Le Moign, editing and publishing officer, CRBC (UAR CNRS 3554 - UBO), Brest

  • Johanna Sauvage, research production department (service production scientifique) manager, SCD University Rennes 2, Rennes

  • Cécile Sebban, research department manager, SCD, University Rennes 2, Rennes

  • Florence Thiault, joint-manager, URFIST Bretagne – Pays de la Loire, Rennes

  • Christophe Torin, IT engineer, information systems department (DSI), Rennes 2 and MSHB, Rennes


To expand its interregional activities, Pôle revues Grand Ouest has linked up with the national network of public academic editing professions (Médici) in addition to two national journal networks: Repères (network of open access scientific journal incubators) and Mir@bel (information pooling and sharing on journals and their access in online databases).

Institutional context

In 2016, the two MSHs of Brittany and the Pays de la Loire regions teamed up to encourage collaboration among actors involved in editing and publishing academic and scientific publications in the HSS (humanities and social sciences) field. This is an ongoing relationship aimed at aggregating all initiatives developed within laboratories and institutions.

In 2020, MSHB responded to the first National Fund for open science (FNSO) call for projects by federating (with the exception of MSH Ange-Guépin) multiple stakeholders involved in open science editing: URFIST Bretagne-Pays de la Loire, the SCDs of Rennes 1 and Rennes 2, UAR CRBC-Documentation at the University of Western Brittany (UBO), Rennes University Presses (PUR), Rennes 2 information systems department (DSI), and the universities of Nantes, Angers and Le Mans. The project, entitled REGOSO (Revues du Grand Ouest: graduated and mutualised support towards open science), will provide support for 11 open access journals to enable them to maintain and improve their editorial quality.

The project received €90,000 (2021–2022) in funding making it possible to validate, at the interregional level, the functioning of a network of expertise for journals in the Grand Ouest region, in line with the university policies.

Upstream of the Édition section of the two meta-projects CPER 2021–2027 Bretagne and Pays de la Loire, the REGOSO project led to the creation and structuring of Pôle revues Grand Ouest, at the inter-regional and inter-institution level.

Achievements and prospects

Leading the winning project of the National Fund for open science (FNSO) project 2021–2023 REGOSO (graduated and mutual support towards open science).

Eleven open access journals supported by Pôle revues Grand Ouest in the context of the REGOSO project, and around twenty further journals supported in the Brittany and the Pays de la Loire regions.

Involvement in several national projects:

  • Spoc Quéro, winner of the call for projects of the scientific interest group GIS Réseau URFIST (URFIST network) led by Toulouse–Jean-Jaurès university. It also receives support from the Médici network and the Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences (INSHS) of the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). Spoc Quéro is an online course on the editorial quality of open access science journals.

  • OPTIMICE, winning project of the Traductions scientifiques (scientific translations) 2019 call for tenders by the French Ministry of higher education, research and innovation (MESRI). This project enabled the creation of an automatic translation method for journal metadata.

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